Write Reviews, Get FREE License
It is appreciated if you write a review of Rep2excel and
send it to us by email to support@lv2000.com.
If we like the review you write (and it doesn't necessarily
have to be full of praise for the reviewed product)
then you will win free license(Except for Corporate/Site
License) or discount for Rep2excel.
Our only requirements for you are:
- The length of review content is no less than 300
- A few screenshots are recommended.
- Language in English/Spainish/Arabic/Turkish.
Post review on this page
If your review is selected by our editor to be posted
on this page, then we will display along with the review
- Your name (Company Name if you like)
- A link to your web site
Post review on your space
If you are a webmaster, blogger, Magazine Editor or
internet columnist, and have a website, blog space,
magazine or internet column so that you can put the
review on your space. Once you posted the review on
your space, please send us an email including the review
URL of your space.
Please contact support@lv2000.com for more information.