Mailing oracle report output via SMTP


Step 1: Setup the email account used to send email


Please open this link : http://<server_name:port>/cgi-bin/rep2excel.exe?job=getwebpage&pagename=emailsetup ,

You can also visit Index page of Rep2excel, and then Rep2excel Manager, and then click Setup the email account that is used to send report.

I nput the details and then click submit button.

Tip: If you just want to send mails to users of the same smtp server, the server always does not require authentication.


Test the account settings

If it works, goto next step, otherwise goto step 1.



Appending "&" to the URL that call rep2excel.

An Example:

The sample code call rep2excel to send the oracle report (not only in html format) to specified recipients

v_url varchar2(1000);
v_url := 'http://SVR_NAME:7777/dev60cgi/rwcgi60?server=rep_svr&report=test_report.rdf&userid=scott/tiger@test&destype=cache&desformat=HTMLCSS';
--Modify begin
v_url:=encode_url(v_url);--Please don't omit this step;
--Modify end