Step 1: Setup the email account used to send email |
Please open this link : http://<server_name:port>/cgi-bin/rep2excel.exe?job=getwebpage&pagename=emailsetup ,
You can also visit Index page of Rep2excel, and then Rep2excel Manager, and then click Setup the email account that is used to send report.
I nput the details and then click submit button.
Tip: If you just want to send mails to users of the same smtp server, the server always does not require authentication.
Test the account settings |
If it works, goto next step, otherwise goto step 1.
Appending "&"
to the URL that call rep2excel.
An Example:
The sample code call rep2excel to send the oracle report (not only in html format) to specified recipients
v_url varchar2(1000);
v_url := 'http://SVR_NAME:7777/dev60cgi/rwcgi60?server=rep_svr&report=test_report.rdf&userid=scott/tiger@test&destype=cache&desformat=HTMLCSS';
--Modify begin
v_url:=encode_url(v_url);--Please don't omit this step;
--Modify end