is able to convert oracle report output to excel format.
In other words, it can enhance your Oracle Reports Server
to generate output with rich formatting from paper layout
reports to Excel format
Excel Output from Oracle Reports
Oracle Reports is a comprehensive reporting tool for
enterprise wide reporting, information delivery, analysis
and decision-making. But you will find it is difficult
to generate spreadsheet output from oracle reports.
We introduce an easy, low cost way to output rich format
excel report.
What is Rep2excel
Rep2excel is a win32 application, It can convert the
HTML output of oracle reports (6i, 9i, 10g) to excel
Rep2excel can convert report not only in HTML but also
in HTMLCSS format to excel format. It is excel report
generator for Oracle Reports.
Using the Rep2excel, You can
- Generate report output to spreadsheet format from
existing paper layout reports.
- Preserve the rich layout formatting such as colors,
fonts, conditional formatting, graphs, and images.
Excel Output Sample
Why Rep2excel
- Rich format excel report.
What you see in html what you get in excel!
- Lost cost.Rep2excel
enhance your report server to output excel. protect
your IT investment.
- Easy to use.
Unique Features:
- Integrate with web-base report, you can call rep2excel
from oracle form
- Support convert report in HTMLCSS format, Preserve
the graphic lines
- Support Multi-worksheet excel format, other than
Excel-compatible HTML format
- Less coding even no coding.
- The Rep2excel is developed for Oracle Report only.
How it works
Rep2excel support CGI interface and command line interface.
You can call it through 2 ways:
- Deploy Rep2excel as a CGI application, call it from
(To learn more see Quick Start section)
- Use command line to call rep2excel.
(Please use rep2excel --help to get
Rep2excel output excel through 3 ways:
Output to file system, save as an .xls file.
Serve back excel file to browser
You can install the application inside Apache server
as CGI application. You can using 'web.show_document'
built-in to invoke the application to convert the oracle
report to excel thru web-browser .[See Live
Excel file can be sent by email to be shared between
Please click here
to download an sample code demonstrates how to call
rep2excel from oracle forms.
The figure below show you how it works
Quick start (More information at the User's
Guide )
Call Rep2excel through web
Please see the Live
- Install a web server such as Apache ( Oracle http
server is based on Apache ).
- Copy rep2excel.exe to the directory %APACHE_HOME%\cgi-bin\
.Invoke the program by URL http://your-server-name:port/cgi-bin/rep2excel.exe
.the software runs, a web page will appear.
- Generate a report file in html or htmlcss format
by oracle report server and save to c:\example\report.htm
- Open IE, call the application follow the URL
- Now , What you need is inside
web-browser !
Call Rep2excel through command line
Please see the Live
FAQ: My report server is running
on Unix, how can I do to use Rep2excel.
A: Please try the following:
- Install rep2excel and MS Office on a windows
- Invoke rep2excel and specify filepath=URL. (rep2excel
can download files from another server).
e.g. http://dali:7777/cgi-bin/rep2excel.exe?filepath=
Download Trial Version
You can download and try a free trial version of
Rep2excel and test it before purchasing:
Download Now
Ordering Information
The free trial usage period of
Rep2excel is 30 days. If you would like to use this
software after the 30 days evaluation period; a registration
is required. You can order the fully licensed version
of Rep2excel over the Internet with any major credit
Please click
here for more inforamtion.
Feedback, questions and bug reports are welcome and should
be sent to the customer support, at |