You may want print report directly without delay.
There are two ways
Setup repexpert to print all reports directly without delay |
1. Execute RepExpert.
1 ) From the "Settings" Menu, select the "URL keywords setup" button. The "URL keywords setup" dialog appears.
2 ) Check "Output to printer directly", then click OK button.
Now repexpert will output all reports downloaded from web to printer directly without desplaying.
Modify RDF file to print special report directly without delay |
1 ) Open a RDF file. Open "Property Palette" window of report.
2 ) In the "Before Report Value" input box, type '<!--REPEXPERT?print_directly=yes-->' .
Now repexpert will output this report to printer without displaying. just like ORARRP tool.
How RepExpert choose printer and paper size automaticlly |
May be you are wondering which printer/paper size RepExpert is going choose.
RepExpert will follow these steps to get the printer and paper size
Step 1
First RepExpert will try the get printer/paper size information from the html file. If failed, goto step 2.
You can assign your favorite printer and paper size when you
are developing RDF file.
see How to assign default printer name and paper
Step 2
RepExpert determine the height of each page of the report, check the history for the printer/paper size used last time.
If failed, goto step 3.
Step 3
RepExpert just check the history, use the same printer/paper size as last printing. If no record found, goto step 4.
Step 4
It maybe the first time you use RepExpert. RepExpert will use the default printer and paper size.
To setup your favorite printer and paper size, please see How to setup default printer and paper size.